Lammas / Lughnasadh - Correspondences Pages - DIGITAL DOWNLOAD PDF PAGES

Lammas / Lughnasadh - Correspondences Pages - DIGITAL DOWNLOAD PDF PAGES
Lammas Grimoire Pages - Lammas Celebration Bundle with Correspondences, Rituals, Recipes and Activities. Wheel of the Year
10 Printable PDF Pages with Lammas activity ideas and correspondences. Download today and print at home!
Our Lammas Sabbat - Grimoire / Book of Shadows bundle includes:
Celebration ideas
Sabbat Information
A Lammas Ritual
Altar Ideas
Lammas Correspondences
Lammas Recipe
Lammas Meal Planner
Handfasting History
Colouring In Page
Lammas Activity and more
This listing is a Digital Download - No physical product will be shipped. After your purchase you will be sent a download link. For personal use only. We hope you will enjoy taking a moment to reflect and appreciate the magic of the natural world and its seasonal changes.
About Lammas/ Lughnasadh
Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is traditionally celebrated on 1st August, or on the full moon that appears closest to this date. The festival falls half-way between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. Lammas is the first of the three harvests festival of the year, the other two being Mabon and Samhain. The focus is the offering of the 'first fruits of harvest'.